Benchmarking tool

Welcome to the companion website to the "Female Investment Professionals in US Private Equity: a A Numerical Analysis and Opportunities for Further Exploration." This site allows you to benchmark gender representation by firm AUM and location. The underlying data includes over 12,000 investment professionals based in the US in over 650 private equity firms. The tool reports the fraction of these investment professionals that are women so long as your query has at least 10 firms in the sample.


  1. Select the minimum and maximum AUM. The text fields are available to allow for fine-grained searches.

  2. Select the states of interest. Here we use the headquarters of the private equity firm, not all of its offices.

Select AUM range

Use the text fields to enter exact amounts or move the slider.

$0 billion - $300 billion

State Selection

Gender representation by seniority level

Junior: N/A

Mid: N/A

Senior: N/A